Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de clean

to cleanlimpiar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I cleanyo limpio
you cleantú limpias
he cleansél limpia
she cleansella limpia
we cleannosotros limpiamos
you cleanvosotros limpiáis
they cleanellos limpian
they cleanellas limpian

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I cleanedyo limpié
you cleanedtú limpiaste
he cleanedél limpió
she cleanedella limpió
we cleanednosotros limpiamos
you cleanedvosotros limpiasteis
they cleanedellos limpiaron
they cleanedellas limpiaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have cleanedyo he limpiado
you have cleanedtú has limpiado
he has cleanedél ha limpiado
she has cleanedella ha limpiado
we have cleanednosotros hemos limpiado
you have cleanedvosotros habéis limpiado
they have cleanedellos han limpiado
they have cleanedellas han limpiado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had cleanedyo había limpiado
you had cleanedtú habías limpiado
he had cleanedél había limpiado
she had cleanedella había limpiado
we had cleanednosotros habíamos limpiado
you had cleanedvosotros habíais limpiado
they had cleanedellos habían limpiado
they had cleanedellas habían limpiado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will cleanyo limpiaré
you will cleantú limpiarás
he will cleanél limpiará
she will cleanella limpiará
we will cleannosotros limpiaremos
you will cleanvosotros limpiaréis
they will cleanellos limpiarán
they will cleanellas limpiarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have cleanedyo habré limpiado
you will have cleanedtú habrás limpiado
he will have cleanedél habrá limpiado
she will have cleanedella habrá limpiado
we will have cleanednosotros habremos limpiado
you will have cleanedvosotros habréis limpiado
they will have cleanedellos habrán limpiado
they will have cleanedellas habrán limpiado

I would cleanyo limpiaría
you would cleantú limpiarías
he would cleanél limpiaría
she would cleanella limpiaría
we would cleannosotros limpiaríamos
you would cleanvosotros limpiaríais
they would cleanellos limpiarían
they would cleanellas limpiarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have cleanedyo habría limpiado
you would have cleanedtú habrías limpiado
he would have cleanedél habría limpiado
she would have cleanedella habría limpiado
we would have cleanednosotros habríamos limpiado
you would have cleanedvosotros habríais limpiado
they would have cleanedellos habrían limpiado
they would have cleanedellas habrían limpiado

Participio presenteAnotado
cleaning limpiando

Participio pasadoAnotado
cleaned limpiado

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